Jun 28Liked by Declan

Interesting that something along the lines of 'a plan for nuclear is a plan for more coal & gas' is absent here

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Thanks for the comment Max. I have tried to focus on how the Coalition will try to sell their policy, and at least so far I haven't heard them reflecting on how it might prolong the use of coal. They have made some comments about how we'll need more gas etc.

I think the point you're making is exactly the talking line that will get hammered by Labor, Greens and the Teals - this is part of why I'm perplexed. Dutton has made himself very vulnerable to these kinds of attacks and it doesnt bode well from recovering inner city seats.

The test will be how the "plan for nuclear is a plan for more coal and gas" vs "we need to have the adult conversation about our energy transition" plays out in the burbs.

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Jun 28Liked by Declan

"inspiration from resurgent conservative swings in places like Europe". Yes I expect this to happen in Australia too, only a matter of time. Dutton is probably a tad early to take full advantage. As an environmentalist, I'd prefer to see nuclear in the mix as it enables decarbonisation with the lowest environmental footprint - and yes we still need this by the time they are built. I actually think adding nuclear in the mix and taking a more pragmatic approach will help wind and solar in the long term. The current policy trajectory is likely to see them become increasingly unpopular as penetration levels increase.

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Thanks Grant, appreciate you chiming in with a different take. There will probably be some swing right/against the incumbent at the next election, which I believe Dutton is banking on if he's going to win the next election.

The unpopularity of renewables is due to 1) electricity costs and 2) culture wars. I don't have a solution to culture wars unfortunately. On costs, I don't see anything to suggest that nuclear genuinely offers a lower cost solution. It feels like most people (myself included) have convinced themselves of the long term system costs of nuclear vs. no nuclear, so I'm also not sure we'll ever reach an industry wide consensus. But it's definitely complex. It's going to be interesting and painful to watch the debate strung out over an election campaign.

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