Oct 20, 2023Liked by Alex Leemon

Great piece! While CTO at COzero (2014-2018) we ran DR with our customers (large SME/C&I) on an equity share of the unused energy. This was off the back of our work on EnergyLink building out our predictive models for customer loads. Our reasons for doing it was due to price spikes in the wholesale market as there was no dynamic market for us to connect our customers with on the network side (and the size we were was well below the above mentioned large industrial consumer triggers for fast response). It worked really well with a significant proportion of the customers, with engagement including businesses looking to test generators (mainly commercial buildings), or shut down production entirely (for some industrial processes this allowed maintenance or a long lunch).

> The AFR piece was honestly about as well researched as a PR release

TBH that to me is an accurate reflection of most of the content of the AFR, so given the trigger was a company I feel like I'm not surprised (regardless of general coverage of energy – or in fact, because of it this would indicate that the journalists writing on it were not those who regularly cover the energy domain).

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Alex Leemon

Another Cracker Alex, thanks for sharing mate. The break down of the 4 types of DR is fantastic.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Alex Leemon

Seems these “big companies” have a new hobby horse. In the day, when I wrangled a seat to these knees-ups, the common story of woe was about the ever rising price of gas. My concern was genuine until I twigged they were buying their gas on spot and refused to enter contracts with suppliers because the contract price was higher than the long past spot prices. Now they are doing it with electricity.

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